We have incorporated a couple of Web Accelerator Applications into your Hosting Control Panel to help you to comfortably optimize the overall effectiveness of your sites. You will not have to modify anything with the program code or come up with special configurations that demand technical knowledge from you. In the Hosting Control Panel, merely pick the tool you intend to implement – Varnish, Memcached and Node.js and set up an instance for it. It’s all done with a click of the mouse. By quickening your websites, you will not only prevent your visitors from having to wait but also will make your site get better positions in search engine listings.

You will find the Web Accelerator Applications in the Advanced Tools part of your Hosting Control Panel.


RAM–saving as an alternative to data base calls

If you’ve got a database–loaded web site or web application, and if database requests often reduce the effectiveness, this could be really frustrating to the website visitors as well as the web app consumers. Looking for a solution can usually require a considerable amount of time. Nonetheless, in the Dedicated Hosting Control Panel, you will find there’s a remedy for you.

Memcached is a straightforward, yet potent distributed memory caching platform, that caches information and objects in the RAM. By doing this, the database–saved info on your web site does not need to be querried each time a customer loads exactly the same web page.

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RAM–caching as a substitute for HTTP calls

While using the Varnish web accelerator program included in our Hosting Control Panel, you can easily make your web site webpages stream a lot quicker for your visitors. All of the adjustments are performed through a simple to use interface, without needing to make any immediate changes to the program code of your respective web site.

Varnish is definitely an HTTP accelerator that can help the web pages come up faster by saving them in the server’s RAM. In this way, right after a webpage has been loaded by a visitor to your site once, it doesn’t have to be delivered from the hosting server any more, which will reduce website loading speeds and then boosts your pages. It’s been proved that Varnish in most cases accelerates website load times with a factor of 300 – 1000x.

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Construct adaptable applications without any difficulty

Node.js provides a contemporary programming program for producing flexible applications and web sites in record time. It could be used for just about anything – from controlling API requests, streaming files and parsing e–mails to transforming images, music files, video clips and office documents.

It’s powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally utilizes an event–driven, non–blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and productive. Furthermore, Node.js features a big supporting community that produces continuous upgrades for the platform and is also constantly ready to offer advice.

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